Mia Canestrini

“In recent years, I've used my voice to tell the stories of countless species and habitats across various media, and I owe a significant part of this journey to wolves. They've taught me an invaluable lesson: nature's salvation is unattainable unless we commit equally to protecting those communities who live in close, often challenging, proximity to the wilds we strive to save. My goal is to thoroughly understand the complex relationships between humans and animals, beyond what science alone can explain. This is why I'm thrilled beyond words to be part of this project.”

Mia Canestrini is one of Italy's preeminent authorities on wolves and wildlife. She is a lecturer in Science Communication and Human Dimensions and has authored an array of children’s books, articles and naturalistic essays. She frequently delivers seminars across Italy focusing on biodiversity conservation and maintains a significant media presence. She serves as a television and radio broadcaster for Italy's leading broadcast publishers.